
I'm so glad you are here.

My name is Elie Breaux (pronounced "eh-LEE Bro"). Born in Louisiana, but I grew up in the Grayton Beach and Point Washington, FL areas at a time when both were backwaters noone had ever heard of. How things have changed! Now, I live in Niceville, FL with my two crazy kids, Fisher and Isla, and my enormously talented wife, Laurel. Her sculpture work can be found here. In a former life, I was a business owner responsible for 40 employees and multiple locations up and down the Emerald Coast. It was a lifestyle that placed great demands on my time and mental energy at a point when my two children were very young. Even on days off, I may have been home, but I was never really present. After years of missing so much of what was truly important, I came to my senses and sold that business.

I am always chasing the moments I lost during that time. Those are what I want to capture for you. Our goal will be to record the real you. The moments of connection, love, sadness and laughter that define what makes your family YOUR family. These are my favorite kinds of photos to take of my own family (you will find them all over this site), and I truly believe you will feel the same way about yours. I would love to hear from you. We can chase those moments together.